Odours and Air Quality

An integrated approach to odour and air quality management

Air quality management: an integrated approach

Atmoterra works with government agencies and industrial clients to define their study objectives and design air quality studies that meet their research and regulatory needs.

Our expertise in multiple environmental domains, combined with significant international experience allows Atmoterra to carry out air quality studies, which take into account the environmental, organisational and financial constraints of each client. This enables us to deliver well-suited and sustainable solutions, compliant with both regulations and the national and international best practice, within the allocated timeframe and budget.

Our services include:

Ambient air quality measurement and assessment

We can quantify a large range of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) using different methods and report accurate results with the assistance of accredited laboratory (ISO, CEN, NATA, COFRAC). Whether air quality assessment is carried out for occupational health and safety, to monitor public exposure during remediation works or for an expert witness statement, Atmoterra will use the most appropriate method and technique to provide an assessment, including:

  • HAPs using passive samples (badges), personal air pumps, canisters whole air sampling (US EPA TO-17), sorbent tubes (US EPA TO-15);
  • quantification of has flux (e.g. CH4) with flux chamber;
  • Dry and wet deposition;
  • Particulate Matter sampling for workplace exposure or speciation analysis;
  • Other innovative methods including particle identification by SEM;
  • Biomonitoring (lichen, rye grass...);
Atmoterra is committed to ensuring high standards of Health and Safety and comply with extensive documented QA/QC procedures to be able to provide reliable and well documented results.

Odour assessment and management

Assessment of the odour nuisance from a facility or an activity is a complex process that involves consideration of different factors (e.g. the FIDOL factors): Frequency, Intensity, Duration, Offensiveness of the odours and the Location of the receptors in the environment.

Atmoterra carries out:

  • Odour exposure assessment by direct field inspection (e.g. VDI 3940 and prEN264086);
  • Odour and gas sampling;
  • Odour complaint investigation and evaluation;
  • Odour emission assessment and flux monitoring;
  • Odour dispersion modelling (3-min average);
  • Definition of adapted mitigation measures;
  • Odour management plans ...

Air pollutants and odour dispersion modelling

Air dispersion modelling is used in various contexts (e.g. permit application, regulatory application, regional air quality management) to predict ground level concentrations in an area around the sources.
Atmoterra can model the dispersion of pollutants (i.e. gas, particulates, odours) using specific approved models such as:

  • TRC CALPUFF (US EPA approved model);
  • TAPM from CSIRO;
  • other models appropriate for particular situations ...
We often incorporate terrain features, observation data (met station from the national network or the site), synoptic-scale meteorological data (TAPM, WRF, MM5) or local scale data (CALMET) to better characterize the situation.
The use of specific models can also be required for acute or short term exposure (e.g. accidental release, odours) and other models are used (CALPUFF, CFD models).

Atmoterra is committed to ensuring high QA/QC standards and the different inputs and results of the models are reviewed by another air quality expert.

Resource Consent and Permit Application

Whether constructing a new facility, expanding an existing site, or modifying operations, site managers are often required to comply with air quality permitting requirements.
Air quality regulations exist within a large range of regulations in each country (e.g. emission controls, solvent rules, and ambient air quality standards). Each permit has associated technical requirements to confirm that the impact of the activity on the environment is appropriate such as:

  • Emission control (using the Best Available Techniques BAT/BREF);
  • Emission and ambient monitoring;
  • Ambient air quality assessment (e.g. using air dispersion modelling).
Atmoterra assists industrial compagnies with all phases of the air permitting process.
Our experience translates into robust, on time and on budget permit applications for the regulatory agencies. Atmoterra often holds a pre-lodgement meeting with regulatory authority to ensure an effective permitting strategy

Environmental Impact Assessment

Legislation requires that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA or EIA) be undertaken for many developments particularly where there is the potential for environmental or social effects. Atmoterra usually undertake the following approach:

  • Thorough and systematic analysis (baseline study) of the project;
  • Initial assessment of the environment to identify the critical issues which are likely to affect the projects;
  • Closely liaise with the project design team to define and integrate appropriate mitigation or compensation measures at an early stage;
  • Liaise and coordinate the different subcontractors and specialists to ensure timely delivery of the project;
  • Liaise with the local population to present the project (public consultation);
  • Delivery of documents compliant with international standards and best practices (e.g. Equator Principles, World Bank, International Finance Corporation).
Atmoterra offers integrated and transparent Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) services to both the private and public sectors by utilising extensive technical knowledge and understanding of planning issues, legislative requirements and international best practices. Along with a network of researchers and experts, we are able to provide specialist skills in a wide range of disciplines to deliver the project within the defined schedule and costs.

Human Health Risk Assessment

We provide global services for Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) and risk management. Atmoterra provides risk assessment services for contaminated sites as well as for regulatory approvals for proposed private or public sector projects.
Following the current international best practices and the most recent toxicology data available (e.g. WHO, ECETOC, IRIS, ATSDR), we carry out a stepped approach from the definition and characterisation of the source(s), the definition of the exposure pathways and scenarios and the identification of the receptors.

This iterative approach using a conceptual model enables easy communication to a non-expert audience and assists in decision making when mitigation measures are required.
For specific purposes, Atmoterra is assisted by chemists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, modellers to ensure that the assessment is robust and reliable.

Ecological Risk Assessment

We provide global services for Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) and risk management. Atmoterra provides risk assessment services for contaminated sites as well as for regulatory approvals for proposed private or public sector projects.

Based on the process, the activity and the substances released in the environment, Atmoterra defines the conceptual model that identifies the environmental values to be protected. We then define the profiles of environmental exposure characterize the risk.

This approach using a conceptual model enables easy communication to a non-expert audience and assists in decision making when mitigation measures are required. For specific purposes, Atmoterra is assisted by chemists, toxicologists, ecologists, biologists, modellers to ensure that the assessment is robust and reliable.

Indoor Air Quality

Our indoor air quality services include consulting and testing largely related to human health issues associated with the indoor environment.

  • Air Quality Surveys and Management Plans;
  • Building investigation (including dust, gas, asbestos, lead...);
  • Lead-based paint (XRF field testing);
  • Industrial Hygiene (i.e. dust, metals, VOCs, CrVI...);
  • Sampling and testing;
  • Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA);
  • Remediation design and supervision when required.

Soil Vapour Assessment

Atmoterra specialises in soil vapour or soil-gas assessments for contaminated land and closed landfills. We are able to install appropriate vapour sampling devices (gas bore, sub-slab implants, and probes), sample the gas using the most appropriate technique (e.g. US EPA TO-15, TO-17 or NIOSH methods) and interpret the analytical results provided by an accredited laboratory.

Atmoterra is committed to ensuring high standards of Health and Safety and comply with extensive documented Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures to be able to provide reliable and well documented results. If required, we can quantify the level of risk for your project or situation and In-Situ or Ex-Situ remediation options (e.g. Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) also known as "soil venting" or "vacuum extraction")

Industrial Air Emissions Reduction and Compliance

Atmoterra assists a wide range of industries reducing air and odour emissions. Reductions in air pollution can be achieved by a variety of methods including

  • Pollution prevention,
  • Control technologies, and
  • Control measures.
Atmoterra can review the different Best Available Techniques (BAT and BREF) available for the activity and propose a strategy adapted to the local context, the particular financial and regulatory constraints.
If mitigation and control technologies are required, we are able to liaise with other contractors on behalf of our client, to ensure that the initial budget and timeframe are maintained.

Solvent Management Plans

Whether Solvent Management Plans are carried out for compliance demonstration (European Commission or US EPA), emissions trading schemes (greenhouse gas), process management or public reporting programs, Atmoterra provides thorough, accurate, and well-documented management plans in line with the company's procedures and existing documents.
Our experience in a wide range of industrial processes, enables us to propose improvements to reduce solvent emissions using organisational or technical practices.

Emission Inventories

Whether emission inventories are carried out for compliance demonstration (toxic or hazardous air pollutants), emission fees (CO2, CH4...), emissions trading schemes (greenhouse gas), or public reporting programs, Atmoterra provides thorough, accurate, and well-documented emission inventory reports.
On an industry or company scale, we are able to provide the following services:
  • Prepare chemical inventories of all regulated contaminants for different industrial sectors;
  • Identify and quantify diffuse emissions if required (i.e. flux chamber, IR camera);
  • Identify pollution control methods available to reduce contaminants of concern;
  • Prepare management and reduction plan considering the Best Available Techniques (BAT) (EU and US);
  • Assistance for pilot studies and liason with pollution treatment compagnies.
On a larger scale (city, metropolitan area or region) we are able to :
  • Prepare an emission inventory strategy (spatial and temporal definition);
  • Review and improve existing emission inventories;
  • Provide recommendations (following EMEP / EEA / US EPA guidance) based on the objectives of the local Air Quality Plan and monitoring data available;
  • Prepare, compile and format the data suitable for air dispersion modelling (airshed or regional models);
  • Present emission inventories on geographic information system (GIS);
  • Integrate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and CO2 emissions in the local inventory;
  • Assist for local, national or international reporting.

Audit and optimisation of air quality monitoring network

Atmoterra offers services related to ambient monitoring for large industrial sites, local authorities and councils. We design and optimise networks compliant with your specific objectives, budget and resources. Our services include:

  • The design, optimisation and management of ambient air quality monitoring networks;
  • Advices on Data Management and Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC);
  • Assessment of the most appropriate monitoring technique including:
  • Real time gas and particulate analysers;
  • Dust deposition gauge ;
  • Passive sampler;
  • Biomonitoring;
  • Real-time gas sensors;
  • Community based monitoring programmes.
  • Design of specific monitoring campaign or long term monitoring plans.


Atmoterra offers training courses in Air Quality Management as well as the associated specialist disciplines of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, Emissions Inventories and Dispersion Modelling.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

There are still major challenges to human health from poor air quality. We are still far from our objective to achieve levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant negative impacts on human health and the environment

Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment (2013)