ATMOTERRA a récemment fourni son expertise technique pour la Commission Européenne afin d’évaluer les projets soumis dans le cadre du programme Horizon 2020 de l’Union européenne pour la recherche et l’innovation.
Nous avons été impliqué en tant qu’expert pour le programme H2020 « Les dynamiques humaines du changement climatique – Construire un future bas carbone et résilient au changement climatique », et plus particulièrement pour le sujet LC-CLA-05-2019 « Services climatique pour l’Afrique ».
Nous avons travaillé comme rapporteur sur 5 propositions de différents consortiums (avec un budget entre 4 et 8 millions d’Euros) dans un laps de temps de deux semaines puis discuté sur deux semaines de plus ces évaluations avec les autres experts et la Commission dans le but de parvenir à un consensus.
Call information
The COP21 Paris Agreement[[http://unfccc.int/paris_agreement/items/9485.php]] (PA) marked the beginning of a new era in the fight against climate change. Governments agreed to limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C and to make efforts to limit this to 1.5°C, as well as to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerabilities. This call contributes in its entirety to the Focus Area « Building a low-carbon climate-resilient future », which brings together funding to support the goals of the PA.
Actions in this call aim to produce solutions for the achievement of the PA’s mitigation and adaptation goals, and to further relevant scientific knowledge for the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and in advance of key PA-related milestones, such as the publication of national mid-century strategies (2020), the 6th IPCC assessment cycle (2018-2022) and the first global stocktake in 2023. Actions also support relevant EU policies and objectives, such as the Energy Union, Arctic policy, EU Adaptation Strategy and EU climate diplomacy efforts. Special consideration will be given to cooperation with strategic partner countries/regions. Specific efforts have to be paid to communicating research results to a broader audience, including the larger public. Ultimately, the actions are expected to support Europe’s endeavours to implement not only the PA but also the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 13 ‘Climate action’, SDG 6 ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’, SDG 11 ‘Sustainable cities and communities’, SDG 14 ‘Life below water’ and SDG 15 ‘Life on land’.
Specific Challenge:
As climatic changes increasingly place populations under pressure, human beings are already adapting. However, less developed countries – particularly in Africa – are often less resilient to climate change and require the deployment of appropriate support to adaptation, including in the form of bespoke climate services tailored to users’ needs. There is some evidence that climate change may already be playing a role in shaping population migration patterns around the world (e.g. Africa to Europe). It is important to make use of the wealth of available socio-economic and geophysical data to better understand these patterns in order to develop appropriate policy responses. Scope:
a) Climate services for Africa: Actions should exploit new, relevant climate data made available by Copernicus and other relevant sources (such as GEOSS) and create dedicated climate services for Africa for at least two of the following sectors: water, energy, food security, land use[1], health and infrastructure. Actions should develop and deliver tools/applications which demonstrate clear end-user engagement, consultation and participation, and which enhance planning and implementation of climate adaptation strategies in Africa. Actions should consider activities addressed by other initiatives such as the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), Copernicus, and development cooperation activities, and provide added value. Actions should further consider the EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy[2].
Type of action: Research and innovation actions
Web: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/
Cover photo by SONSE – Deadvlei – Sossusvlei, Namibia